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First aid can treat simple injuries or it may mean the difference between life and death in an emergency. Cuts, bites, stings, bleeding, choking, frostbite, heat stroke, hypothermia and burns may respond to first aid.

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Topic: Bites and stings

Bites and stings - first aid

If you are bitten or stung by an insect or animal, apply first aid and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.


Bedbugs have highly developed mouth parts that can pierce skin.

European wasp

Unlike a bee, which can only sting once (and leaves the stinger behind in the skin), the European wasp can sting repeatedly.


Fleas are parasites that feed off the blood of humans and animals, and can spread infection.


If you have scabies, your sexual partners and all members of your household will also need to be treated.


Australia has about 2,000 species of spider but most species are relatively harmless to humans.

White tailed spider

In most cases, the bite from a white tailed spider only causes a mild reaction, including itching and skin discolouration.