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Knowing what to expect during and after a medical procedure can help you prepare, whether you go to hospital or to an outpatient clinic. Non-surgical procedures are available to treat a range of conditions.

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Topic: Dental procedures

Dental treatment

Modern techniques mean that dental and oral health treatment is almost always painless.

Dental fillings

Dental fillings are used to repair worn, decayed or damaged teeth.

Dental sealants (fissure sealants)

A dental sealant is a coating applied to the permanent back teeth to prevent tooth decay.

Teeth - cosmetic dentistry

Discoloured, chipped or missing teeth can affect self-confidence but cosmetic dentistry techniques can help.

Teeth - gapped teeth

In many cases, a gap between the upper front teeth will close by itself.

Teeth - orthodontics and orthodontic treatment

Orthodontics involves the use of a range of corrective devices, such as braces and plates, to encourage the teeth to align properly.

Teeth - root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure to replace a tooth's damaged or dead pulp with synthetic filling.

Teeth - wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth that may cause problems are best taken out sooner rather than later.