Apricot muffins | Better Health Channel

Apricot muffins

Preparation time:   
Makes: 12

Apricot muffins

Recipe highlights

  • Suitable to microwave
  • Suitable to freeze
  • Best served immediately; Store in airtight container
  • Nut free


  • 1/2 cup canned apricots in natural juice, drained and chopped
    2 eggs, beaten
    180 g wholemeal self raising flour
    1/3 cup skim milk or yoghurt
    2 drops vanilla essence

Cooking method

    1. Preheat oven to 180˚C.
    2. Beat eggs, add vanilla and combine.
    3. Incorporate the flour and add enough milk or yoghurt to make a moist mixture.
    4. Stir through drained apricots and mix to combine.
    5. Lightly grease muffin pans and fill each well with a paper patty case.
    6. Pour mixture into each muffin case, fill each to 2/3 up sides of case.
    7. Bake in moderate oven until lightly golden brown. Insert a skewer into the centre of the muffin. They are cooked if the skewer comes out clean. Enjoy warm or cold. These muffins also freeze really well.

Nutritional facts

Average quantity per servingAverage quantity per 100g
Weight (g) 41.19 100.00
Energy (kJ) 290.18 704.46
Protein (g) 3.36 8.15
Total Fat (g) 1.17 2.84
-Saturated Fat (g) 0.31 0.75
-Polyunsaturated Fat (g) 0.23 0.57
-Monounsaturated Fat (g) 0.40 0.96
Cholesterol (mg) 31.61 76.73
Carbohydrate (g) 10.22 24.80
-Sugars (g) 1.02 2.48
Starch (g) 9.12 22.14
Water (g) 23.93 58.10
Alcohol (g) 0.00 0.00
Dietary Fibre (g) 1.84 4.47
Thiamin (mg) 0.07 0.18
Riboflavin (mg) 0.07 0.18
Niacin (mg) 0.87 2.12
Niacin Equivalents (mg) 1.58 3.84
Vitamin C (mg) 0.43 1.04
Total Folate (ug) 14.06 34.14
Total Vitamin A Equivalents (ug) 33.68 81.76
Retinol (ug) 13.33 32.37
Beta Carotene Equivalents (ug) 121.00 293.76
Sodium (mg) 115.41 280.18
Potassium (mg) 93.33 226.58
Magnesium (mg) 18.17 44.11
Calcium (mg) 30.18 73.26
Phosphorus (mg) 156.11 378.98
Iron (mg) 0.63 1.54
Zinc (mg) 0.33 0.81

Contributed by:

The Better Health Channel
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Source: Imogen Farnsworth and Sarah D'Angelo, Geelong High School. Published in the Geelong Advertiser 'Fifteen Minutes of food' series.

Recipe publication date on: 11/07/2007
Last reviewed on: 19/08/2014

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